Monday, 17 February 2014

Simplyfying Car Diagnostics

Most motorists know that car engines are controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU), but how many realise that a modern car has more computing capability than the Apollo spacecraft that travelled to the moon. In fact, many cars have up to fifty microprocessors, which control the different electrical systems in the car linked together by a CANbus communication protocol. 

In many cars, almost every electrical piece of equipment is controlled by an ECU, even interior lights and headlamps. When a component malfunctions, it is no longer a case of tracing the wiring back through the switch to the fuse and to the battery. Sadly, all the average motorist can do is to replace a burnt bulb and check the oil. 

Despite this, advances in automotive engineering mean that cars are more reliable as their electronic systems are robust and self diagnostic capabilities alert drivers to potential problems so that they can be repaired before a breakdown occurs. Engine ECUs are so clever that when they detect an unsafe condition they will cut engine power and allow the motorist to get home safely without ruining the engine. 

Does this level of technology mean that motorists have to have their cars serviced and repaired by appointed dealers? Manufacturers would like them to believe that. 

But the truth is that, thanks to the American EPA, nearly all vehicles have standard OBD-II ECU connectors and manufacturers have defined protocols for their cars. This allows local auto repair centres to use universal diagnostic equipment to perform vehicle diagnostics on all makes of vehicle. 

Steve Sorensen Mechanical, an award winning local car care centre in Brown Plains specialises in vehicle diagnostics, car service, log book service, and other repairs. Their highly trained staff excels in the diagnosis and repair of electrical faults on all makes of cars, while their first class auto mechanic service professionally carries out all other car repairs. 

Contact Steve Sorensen Mechanical now. They are located in Unit #1, 7 St Jude Court, Browns Plains, QLD 4118 or make a booking by phoning on (07) 3809 2711 or through their website.

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