Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Mechanics’ Secrets to Logbooks Revealed

Here is a little car repair secret that a lot of mechanics won't tell you. By using logbook servicing, you can save a ton of time and money on future car repairs that you would otherwise encounter. Let me explain to you a bit about logbook servicing.

When you own a car, there are certain steps you need to perform to take care of your car. From oil changes to tyre rotations, it is important to complete these tasks to ensure that your car is running smoothly. With other major purchases such as your house, you likely take good care of your purchase. So why shouldn't this extend to your car?

When you purchased your car, you may have been given some type of manual which should have a logbook with it. This logbook will contain various milestones for your car as well as the recommended actions to take to keep your car in excellent shape. This is where a logbook car service comes in handy.

In addition to the savings in running costs, some mechanical workshops offer a special type of service called, funnily enough, logbook servicing. This means if you have a warranty with your car, you can take your car to these mechanics, which is usually much cheaper than the dealer, and not void your warranty. Many people aren’t aware of this fact and end up paying sometimes several times more than they needed to, simply because they took their car back to the dealership for all servicing and maintenance.

I can't stress enough the importance of this logbook servicing. Taking proper care of your car does more than just making sure your car runs smoothly at the present time. It also helps to avoid some of the problems that can later occur from wear and tear on your car. The potential is there for car repairs to cost hundreds of even thousands of dollars, repairs that basic car maintenance could potentially prevent. When it comes to valuing your time and money, proper car maintenance is a must.

I hope I have given you a reason to take better care of your car with the proper logbook servicing. Remember, you rely on your car every day, and your car deserves the proper care that it needs. Check out for more information on logbook servicing. Steve Sorensen Mechanical is a multi-award-winning business in Browns Plains that offers logbook servicing for all vehicle make and models.

The Importance of a pre-purchase Inspection

Before you purchase a vehicle, there is something important you should do. You should always take your potential vehicle in for a proper pre purchase inspection. With the importance of automobiles and how often we rely on them, you really need to make sure you are buying a reliable car. Here are three potential problems that a pre purchase vehicle inspection can save you from.

1. Brake Failure

Brakes are one of the most common car parts that need repair. With the need for brake pads and potential brake replacements, it is no wonder that so many mechanics have to work on a vehicle's brakes. In addition, brakes are very important to the safety of you and others are in your car. Because of the potential of brake failure, you really need to get a pre purchase inspection on the brakes to ensure that you are purchasing a car that is safe to drive.

2. Engine Failure

Engine failure is one of the worst things that can happen to your car. In addition to putting your life at risk, replacing an engine can cost thousands of dollars depending on the car. It's one of the most costly repairs, and you do NOT want to purchase a vehicle that shows any potential for an upcoming engine failure. Believe me, avoiding a vehicle with a bad engine will save you a lot of vehicle repairs & servicing.

3. Transmission Failure

In addition to engine failure, transmission failure can also be a rather costly repair, one that you should attempt to avoid at all cost. This is just another example of how a pre purchase vehicle inspection could potentially save you thousands of dollars later on.

In closing, I really hope I've given you something to think about in using a pre purchase vehicle inspection. A good auto repair place like will offer all sorts of vehicle diagnostics for your inspection. In addition, they will often offer vehicle maintenance services as well once you do purchase the car that is right for you. Remember, purchasing a car is a big decision. Because it's such a big decision, you need to be smart about it.

Proper Maintenance Keeps your Auto Going and Stopping

There is only thing worse than not having a car is having a car that you can't depend on. That is why it is imperative to keep up with the maintenance of your car. No vehicle will last forever but you can make sure to get the longest possible life from your care with if you give it a little tender loving care.

Two of the most important parts of your car to take care of is your clutch and your brakes. One makes your car go an the other stop. If either of them fails your care becomes a nice ornament to sit in the yard.

Auto brake service is probable the most important maintenance you can perform on your car. While auto accidents due to mechanical failure are relatively rare, when they do occur, brake failure or weak brakes is the number one cause. If your brakes are making a noise, feel soft or don't have the breaking power they once did tell your mechanic your car requires a full auto brake service and inspection immediately. Not to use clichés, but your life could depend on it.

Brake and clutch repairs kind of go hand in hand. While you are getting your brakes serviced have the mechanic check and adjust your clutch as well. A properly adjusted clutch not only extends the life of your clutch but makes your care easier and more comfortable to drive. If your clutch is adjusted to tight it will cause excessive wear and shorten the life of the clutch plate if it is too loose it can cause chatter and excessive wear. Be sure to have your clutch adjusted each time you change oil in your engine.

Remember, brake and clutch repairs both can be expensive but with proper maintenance and adjustments, repairs can be avoided and the life of these vital parts greatly extended. If your clutch isn't in place power can't get from your engine to the road and without brakes there is no good option for stopping once you’re moving. Take your car in to a reputable mechanic for brake and clutch repairs and service today.